Emily & Steve- Engaged

Meet Emily & Steve; fun, adventurous and just plain adorable. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Emily since highschool. I’m pretty sure we had a first period gym class together. If anyone can still be friends with you after that, you know they are in it for the long haul! Us friends always knew that Emily was going to find a farmer, so of course we were over the moon when Steve showed up! He wasted no time whisking our dear friend off of her feet and the two of them have been so in love ever since. I truly believe that Steve’s a perfect match for Emily. I was so privileged to have been able to spend time with them and take their engagement photos.

Here’s a few of my favourites!








You may be as confused as I am, wondering, why did Rhyme & Rhythm take pictures? I know, I surprised myself too. Our main focus will always be cinematography, but we wouldn’t say no to engagements or family portraiture!

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